Yamina leader Ayelet Shaked said on Monday that Chareidi pressure to reopen the educational system ultimately also led to the advancement of the plan for the reopening of the pubic educational system. “The educational system was opened in the zechus of HaRav Kanievsky,” Shaked said. “All Israeli parents should say thank you to him.” HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky was criticized by the secular sector for his instructions to reopen the Chareidi school system for boys in October. HaRav Chaim had concluded, after consulting with medical professionals and mechanchim that the spiritual dangers of children remaining at home outweighed the physical dangers of the children gathering at school. A week ago, HaRav Chaim also instructed that all educational institutions for girls should be reopened as well. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
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