Rav Meir Turnheim, a Chabbad chassid who lives in Lod, Israel, has successfully predicted the results of political elections in Israel and throughout the world with great accuracy, with his most notable predictions being Trump’s victory in 2016 against all odds and Netanyahu’s unexpected victory in 2015. Most recently, as YWN reported, he predicted that Netanyahu will win the Israeli elections in March. Rav Turnheim, who has successfully predicted the results of every Israeli election since 1996, bases his predictions on a specific complex method of singling out letters from one passuk in the parsha read in the week of the elections in the section read on the day of the elections. So who will win the upcoming U.S. election? According to Rav Turnheim’s decisive answer based on the Torah, incumbent US President Donald Trump will be victorious over Joe Biden, B’Chadrei Chareidim reported. Rav Turnheim’s name has become known since he successfully predicted Trump’s unexpected victory in 2016, and journalists and politicians turn to him weeks or even months before elections asking him to share his predictions. Rav Turnheim usually shares his prediction only shortly before the election but this time he decided to share it ahead of time due to the fact that he views Trump as a President who protects Am Yisrael in Eretz Yisrael, who fights against terror and countries hostile to Israel, and who is a shalich in fulfilling the nevuos of the Tanach. Rav Turnheim stated that Trump’s victory appears in Parshas Vayera in Perek Yud Tes in pessukim 1, 9, 11, 12, 15, 17, 19, and 20. The words that appear in these pessukim [through his special shita] are: טראמפ יעלה וינצח – Trump will arise and be victorious. (טראמפ יעלה וינצח (פעם שניה בפסוק הבא – (The same words appear in the next passuk.) דונלד טראמפ ינצח/טראמפ ינצח את גו ביידן – Donald Trump will be victorious/ Trump will win Joe Biden. טראמפ ינצח את ביידן – Trump will win Biden. טראמפ ינצח ויהיה נשיא ארהב – Trump will win and be the President of the United States. (טראמפ ינצח ויהיה נשיא ארהב (פעם שניה בפסוק הבא – (The same words appear in the next passuk) דולנד טראמפ ינצח את גו ביידן ויהיה נשיא – Donald Trump will win Joe Biden and will be the President. טראמפ הוא המנצח. הוא יהיה הנשיא – Trump is the winner. He will be the President. Rav Turnheim met with the chairman of Republicans Overseas Israel, Mark Zell, a month and a half ago, before the Yamim Tovim, and shared his results with him. Zell was of course delighted by the results and said he would share them with Trump and with the tens of millions of U.S. citizens who believe in the Tanach. Rav Turnheim began delving into his unique hobby after contemplating that according to the truth that he grew up with – that everything that happens in the world is contained within the Torah – it must be that such an important topic [Israeli and international elections] is also found in the Torah. “As a Yehudi ma’amin, I grew up on the truth that everything is written in the Torah,” Rav Turnheim told B’Chadrei in the past. “Therefore I searched in the Chumash of the day of the elections before all the elections […]
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