In a dramatic turn of events, Middlesex County Judge Joseph Paone has dismissed the charges against SCHI founder Rabbi Eisemann this morning, just as the prosecution concluded their presentation.
Judge Paone explained his ruling, stating that the prosecution had utterly failed to present any evidence that Rabbi Eisemann had committed the alleged crimes.
The state is considering an appeal, but it remains uncertain if they will proceed.
The prosecution in the case against the esteemed SCHI founder rested their case yesterday after the final witness concluded their testimony.
The case was covered extensively the past few years here on, and Yidden all over were davening for Osher ben Chana Frumet.
Over the past few weeks, the prosecution called numerous witnesses, including state detectives and SCHI employees who were subpoenaed. However, during cross-examination, each witness either confirmed that no crime had been committed or admitted to having limited involvement in the investigation.

The prolonged trial drove up the legal costs, as every day the defense team worked cost tens of thousands of dollars. To help cover the still-remaining exorbitant legal fees, please CLICK HERE.