In yet another of his innumerable gargantuan gaffes, President Joe Biden said Wednesday that he has cancer. Biden’s comments during an unrelated speech regarding climate change in which the president was talking about emissions from the oil industry near his childhood home in Delaware. “That’s why I and so damn many other people I grew up with have cancer and why for the longest time Delaware had the highest cancer rate in the nation,” Biden said. The White House quickly referred questions about Biden’s comment to a tweet by Washington Post fact-checker Glenn Kessler, who wrote that the president was likely referring to “non-melanoma skin cancers” that Biden had removed before taking office. It is well-established that President Biden did spend a good deal of time in the sun in his youth,” O’Connor wrote of his patient, a former swimming pool lifeguard. “He has had several localized, non-melanoma skin cancers removed with Mohs surgery before he started his presidency. These lesions were completely excised, with clear margins,” Biden physician Dr. Kevin O’Connor said. Some had fun at Biden’s expense over the remark. “Don’t worry about Joe Biden having cancer, he is married to a doctor,” tweeted Michael Malice, referring to the First Lady, who uses the honorific “Dr.” despite being no more than a teacher with an advanced degree. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
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