During a Melaveh Malka presided over by the Bobov-45 Rebbe on Motzoei Shabbos at his bais medrash in the Boro Park neighborhood of Brooklyn, the Rebbe addressed a growing trend among chassidishe bochurim who are allowing their peyos to grow excessively long. He urged them to trim their peyos.
The Rebbe shared stories in honor of the yahrtzeit of the Rebbe of Shinova, the Divrei Yechezkel, and mentioned that recently, he had noticed that some young men were letting their hair grow in a manner that contradicts the longstanding customs followed in the chassidic world.
The Rebbe acknowledged that there were indeed great tzaddikim who never cut their hair, but he emphasized that we do not question their practices. However, he pointed out that there has been a clear tradition in the Chassidus regarding the proper length of peyos.
He urged the young men to maintain this tradition, as he had seen in his own grandfather, the Bobover Rebbe zt”l, who was very meticulous about the matter. The Rebbe explained to the young men that the peyos should reach exactly to the middle of the chin, neither too long nor too short, and he demonstrated the proper length to them.
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