A group of volunteers from Chaveirim and Shomrim of Boro Park returned a suitcase containing a man’s tallis and tefillin to its rightful owner after sifting through piles of garbage at a waste management facility. Upon realizing that he inadvertently left his suitcase at a curb and was now missing, the owner had contacted Boro Park Shomrim, who sent volunteers to review surveillance footage, determining that it had been carted away in a garbage truck. The local NYC sanitation supervisor was promptly contacted, who arranged for the trucks working in the vicinity where the suitcase had gone missing to be separated from the others and have their trash placed in one specific section of the sanitation facility. Volunteers then arrived to sift through the garbage, and after some time, found the suitcase crushed but its contents fully intact. Particularly helpful in resolving the situation were askanim Pinny Ringel, Heshy Dembitzer, Beri Spitzer, and Yidel Perlstein. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
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