Dear Readers,
I and few members of my family are sick with coronavirus. I’d like to share my experience with people, because I think that lack of information and lack of knowledge what to do and when to act leads to dangerous situation. That’s exactly what we saw in couple of last weeks in those terrible news when people, even young in their 40 and 50, were brought to hospitals and past away soon after. Which means that their condition deteriorated to the point when doctors couldn’t save their lives.
First of all if somebody gets sick, don’t even think that it’s something else – you should suspect coronavirus.
We all rely on statistics that most of those who get infected with coronavirus will survive, but each person should do everything to save his live and to act when necessary.
I and my older son got sick last Sunday, March 29. We both had fever. We took Tylenol and started Zithromax (azithromycin), also known as Z-Pak.
On Monday I took my son to get tested for coronavirus and result came positive on Wednesday.
Very important – if you were tested positive with coronavirus you can ask doctor to prescribe you hydroxychloroquine and get it in local pharmacies. So, we got this medicine, but didn’t start using it.
All days we were extremely weak and tired. After few days fever almost disappeared and we felt like we are recovering. But on Thursday fever came back and I got some strange feeling that something is building up in lower chest area (i don’t know if other people with coronavieus get same feeling, may be it was just stomach ache, can’t say for sure).
On Friday I had fever 100.9 – 101.3 F (38.3-38.5 C). And only on Friday, which is 6th day from first day we got sick, I started coughing and had little difficulty of breathing.
(My sister, who is head in emergency room in one of the hospitals in Israel, told me that they also see patients who get sick, get better in few days, and then second wave of disease attacks).
So, fever and cough, shortness of breath and strange feeling in lower part of the chest made me believe that maybe pneumonia started to develop (pneumonia starts to develop from bottom of lungs). On Friday night I took hydroxychloroquine (or plaquenil – brand name). On Shabbos morning I already had much less cough. It has to be taken together with Zinc and Azithromycin – please consult your doctor.
This medicine does work.
Hydroxycloroquine is used by doctors in Israel, China and other countries to cure from COVID19.
To summarize. If you got sick – get yourself tested and if you have coronavirus ask your doctor to prescribe hydroxychloroquine (or plaquenil – brand name) and get it from pharmacy. If you have fever, cough, difficulty breathing don’t wait. Consult your doctor how to use this medicine (it might have side effects).
If you have symptoms but don’t have this medicine, PLEASE, don’t wait call Hatzola, ambulance go to hospital , get medical assistance, save your live. Please share with others.
Boruch Malisov
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