At the end of a public battle against the Defense Ministry and the IDF, the Public Council for Commemoration of Fallen Soldiers ruled almost unanimously on Tuesday that the family of fallen soldier Yisrael Yudkin, H’yd, should be allowed to inscribe the acronym of the words השם יקום דמו on his matzeivah. The 20 members of the Public Council for Commemoration of Fallen Soldiers discussed the request of the Yudkin family, which was joined by other religious families of fallen soldiers, and approved the request with a vote of 19 against 1. Defense Minister Gallant’s office commented on the Public Council’s decision: “Defense Minister Yoav Gallant adopted the recommendation of the Public Council for Commemoration of Fallen Soldiers regarding the addition of the inscription השם יקום דמו to military gravestones of fallen soldiers who fell in battle whose families request it. The Minister also approved the recommendation to add the inscription -‘Zichro L’Bracha’ on military gravestones of fallen soldiers whose families request it”. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)