The Chareidi sector, including senior politicians, have called for a boycott of Angel Bakery following the bizayon haTorah due to the protest outside the home of HaGaon HaRav Gershon Edelstein on Thursday morning as part of the nationwide protests for “National Equality Day.” Former Labor politician and public security minister Omer Bar-Lev, who is now the chairman of the board of directors of Angel Bakery, took part in the protest. He then published a photo of himself: “I’m now in Bnei Brak with Brothers In Arms. And what’s the connection between the coup d’état and equality of the burden? Beyond and in addition to the importance of the security service for all, the no equality in the burden law that the coalition intends to enact is Netanyahu and [Justice Minister] Levin’s bribe to the Chareidi parties so that they’ll vote in favor of the coup d’état.” In response, Chareidim of all stripes, including Sephardim, have called to boycott Angel Bakery, which sells huge amounts of products to the Chareidi sector, until Bar-Lev is dismissed from his position. Senior Chareidi politicians, including UTJ head Moshe Gafni and Shas head Aryeh Deri, called to join the boycott. Beitar Illit Mayor Meir Rubinstein said: “The serious affront to Gedolei Yisrael, in the form of that former minister, who stood as the last of the anarchists in front of the home of Maran Gadol Hador, is chutzpah of the first degree. We have no expectations from such a man, who serves as the chairman of the board of directors of the Angel company. But a company that the Chareidi sector is one of its biggest consumers is expected to announce the removal of the man from his public position today, and if not – we will promote the boycott of the company with all our might. We will not support those who harm the kavod of Torah! We will not turn the other cheek! The Chareid public is ending its silence.” A number of yeshivos, including one of the largest Israeli yeshivos – Chevron, which alone has over 1,000 talmidim – canceled their Angel contracts. Other yeshivos that canceled their contracts include the yeshiva of Posek HaDor HaGaon HaRav Shternbuch in Beit HaShemesh and Toras Ze’ev in Beit Shemesh and Nachlas Leviiim in Haifa. Even a Dati Leumi yeshivah canceled their contract with Angel. In addition, the Tamid Zul supermaket in Neve Yaakov announced that they will no longer be selling Angel products. UTJ MK Yaakov Asher slammed Bar-Lev: “Omer, you must have gotten confused again [a reference to his many bloopers during his recent term as minister]. You’re not a politician anymore. As someone who represents a public company, you’re obligated to act with respect to your clients and not infringe on their feelings.” “If Angel decided that its Chareidi clients aren’t wanted, it’s invited to publicize this on the bread shelves in the supermarket and not in a shameful protest opposite the home of the leader of the Olam HaTorah.” Kikar H’Shabbat reporter Yishai Cohen wrote: “Chareidim don’t have a problem with Bar-Lev demanding equality. Gantz is also demanding it. They have a problem with him protesting…in choosing to attend the provocation in Bnei Brak, in disturbing the rest of a 100-year-old spiritual leader. When you insult one of the Gedolei HaDor […]
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