As the recruitment of bnei yeshivos reached the operational stage on Monday, with the first Charedi draftees scheduled to appear at induction centers, Chassidish leaders in Eretz Yisrael instructed bnei yeshivos not to comply with draft orders. Litvish and Sephardi Roshei Yeshivos have already instructed their talmidim not to report to induction centers. A letter published by Chassidish leaders states: “Since the IDF authorities recently sent draft orders to bochurim and avreichim for the purpose of recuriting them into the army, we would like to clarify that Gedolei Yisrael have already ordered that it is forbidden to enlist in the army under any circumstances. Even if the IDF establishes strictly Chareidi Mehadrin companies and brigades, they have already proven that they do not end up sticking with it.” “And even if they partially accommodate Chareidim at first, after a while, it’s impossible to remain Shomer Torah u’mitzvos k’halacha there. Even if they say that now they’ll insist that they can remain Chareidi Mehadrin there, al pi din Torah, they have no ne’amanus [trustworthiness] on this. We know very clearly that there is not one Gadol b’Yisrael who disagrees on this issue.” “Therefore, we would like to instruct, in accordance with the opinions of all Gedolei HaDor, that all bochurim and avreichim who receive draft orders are forbidden to report to induction centers.” “And Hashem Yisbarach should guard His nation Yisrael to withstand all nisyonos and remain Jews faithful to Hashem and His Torah.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)