Shas in 24 hours and the zchus for a Shidduch?! That’s right – Chicago Chesed Fund’s 3rd annual Shas for Shidduchim campaign is fast approaching! This Tu B’Shvat – beginning this Sunday evening, February 9, 2020 through Monday, February 10, 2020 – hundreds will gather in Chicago and complete Shas in Zchus of Klal Yisroel’s singles. It’s no secret that Tu B’Shvat is a day of tremendous value and significance, but the Ben Ish Chai brings to light another little-known-fact about the day – Tu B’Shvat is actually a predetermined time for zivugim. He states the following: הוא יום של אהבה וזמן המסוגל למציאת זיווג . In the 24 hours of Tu B’Shvat, the entire Shas will be completed from cover to cover. We are using the tremendous power of Limud HaTorah to storm the Heavens with one goal in mind; to gather zchusim for the singles in Klal Yisrael. Every one of us knows men and women who are looking for their bashert, and who wouldn’t want to try to help? Of course, we should continue to redt shidduchim and make phone calls, but let’s not underestimate the power of Limud HaTorah. Help bring everyone closer to their perfect match! Sponsor a daf for $100, and you can submit the names of 5 singles who are looking for their bashert. But hurry—the learning begins THIS SUNDAY EVENING, February 9th! Take advantage of this auspicious day and get your sponsorships in before Tu B’Shvat ends! Sponsor a daf at! All proceeds benefit Chicago Chesed Fund’s many services that help singles find their bashert.
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