For 36 hours, beginning on Erev Tisha B’av, we will be hosting a series of Chizuk videos on our homepage in honor of Tisha B’av. Our hopes are that these videos will inspire, educate, and motivate people to grow in their personal avodas Hashem and to help us all merit the building of the Beis Hamikdash B’Mheroh Beyomenu. Get Your Video Seen, Contact Us Now more than ever, as people are confined to their homes and am yisroel experiences unprecedented tzaros, these videos can serve as a safe, convenient, and powerful way for us reconnect and make this Tisha B’Av as meaningful as possible. 10 leading Jewish organizations have already joined our initiative to broadcast, stream, and share words of Torah and Chizuk. If you are interested in broadcasting your own content during this once-a-year opportunity, please contact us here. Project inspire No matter the challenge, no matter the obstacles in their path, nothing could stop them from helping another Jew. Uplift your Tisha B’av this year with Project Inspire’s new feature film about the inspiring Ahavas Yisrael of Rabbi Shlomo Friefeld zt’l and Rabbi Ronnie Greenwald zt’l. “Stop At Nothing” pays tribute to these two outstanding leaders who made a huge impact on the lives of countless Jewish individuals from all walks of life Get Thousands of Views On Your Content Brooklyn Jewish Experience (BJX) Brooklyn Jewish Xperience (BJX) has prepared one of the most riveting and inspiring Tisha B’Av programs ever. Join Rabbis YY Jacobson, Ahron Lopiansky, Dovid Goldwasser, Aryeh Zev Ginzberg and Yitzchok Fingerer for an unforgettable and life changing experience. They will be joined with famous recording artists Yehudah Green, Baruch Levine, Beri Weber, and Yedidim choir who will sing songs that will take us back to the Churban and prepare us for the Geulah. On Tisha B’Av at 1pm join BJX for a Tisha B’Av filled with tears, yearning, and Chizuk. Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation if you have shalom, you have everything – If don’t have shalom, you have nothing! You need to be aware of the simple few “rules” of what makes or breaks sholom – And you’ll get them all, iy”H, in this year’s Chofetz Chaim Tisha B’av Worldwide Event held online this year due to the Corona situation. Some of the Jewish world’s most moving and inspiring speakers will spend Tish B’av with you. Rabbi Yissocher Frand, Rabbi Yosef Elefant and Rabbi Paysach Krohn will move us, inspire us and open our hearts to let sholom in. Next, we’ll have Charlie Harary reveal amazing and practical viewpoints in Shalom we’ve never thought of. After him, world-renowned speaker Dr. David Lieberman will share with us step by step practical advice on how to get out of any machlokes. Publicize Your Own Event
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