All are asked to continue davening for Rav Chaim Abadi, the esteemed head of Minyan Shelanu in Lakewood and one of the prominent figures in the field of chinuch in the United States, especially known for his incredible work with at-risk teens.
Rav Abadi has been battling serious illness and is currently hospitalized at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania.
As of this morning, Rav Abadi remains on a ventilator but is expected to be taken off shortly. He requires tremendous rachamei Shomayim for his full recovery.
This week, a special atzeres tefillah for Rav Abadi was held at Minyan Shelanu in Lakewood, with divrei chizuk from Rav Uren Reich, rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva Ohr Zechariah.
All are asked to daven for the complete recovery of Rav Chaim Yisroel ben Chaya Raiza.
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