Right now, much of the world lives in fear of one thing: COVID-19, the potentially deadly virus which has dominated the news and killed many. As the death toll rises in Israel, it becomes abundantly clear that though the vast majority of cases will be survived, the world will never be the same. This is most true for the young boys & girls whose parents have been lost to the virus.
A fund has been started with the support of Rav Mordechai Gross shlita, and Rav Naftoli Nussbaum to help those orphaned by the Coronavirus. Funds raised also go to those who are suffering in poverty while sick.
Many Israeli families are now unable to pay the bills, as non-essential businesses are closed, and many frum areas are on lockdown. Those who have lost loved ones have been unable to attend their funerals due to the highly infectious nature of the disease. In addition to this shocking trauma, many are left without any income. COVID-19 has killed their husbands, wives, mothers & fathers, and now these families face another mortal threat: poverty.
With the support of rabbanim, Jews around the world have begun to unite to prevent another unthinkable tragedy from taking place: Those who have been orphaned by COVID-19 losing their lives to something perhaps even more bleak – hunger.
In recent weeks, international media has been flooded with images and stories of frum Jews who have failed to take the restrictions necessary to fight COVID-19 seriously. This has caused chillul Hashem and confusion for man, religious and otherwise. Causes such as the above are a glimmer of hope, that Jews will rise above during times of pain to unite and do good, as they always have.
Donations are being urgently collected here for a limited time.
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