In a mind-boggling display of hyperbole, George Conway managed to reach new heights of absurdity on Friday night, equating former President Donald Trump’s political tactics to those of Adolf Hitler. This eyebrow-raising comparison came during an interview with MSNBC’s Alex Wagner, where Conway seriously compared Trump’s visits to hurricane-ravaged Georgia and North Carolina to Hitler’s use of propaganda. Because, apparently, helping victims of a natural disaster is now the same as starting World War II and committing the Holocaust. Conway, clearly lacking any sense of proportion, dredged up the old Nazi propaganda term große Lüge—the “big lie”—and claimed Trump was using the same technique outlined in Mein Kampf. That’s right, a former U.S. president making a FEMA funding comment is somehow on par with one of history’s most vile mass murderers orchestrating a genocide. Who knew that helping hurricane survivors could be so diabolical? Let’s take a moment to appreciate the sheer absurdity of this comparison. Conway, while apparently trying to sound profound, brushes right past the fact that Trump has survived two assassination attempts in recent months. You know, those pesky little life-or-death situations where someone actually tried to kill him. But sure, let’s casually toss around the Hitler comparison because, well, why not? Who cares about trivial things like assassination attempts when we can indulge in wild historical comparisons that trivialize actual atrocities? Conway didn’t stop there. He went on to call Trump a “pathological liar” and a “sociopath,” and concluded with the grand declaration that Trump is a “cancer on American public life.” Because apparently, the only thing more over-the-top than comparing Trump to Hitler is acting like he’s single-handedly responsible for every evil in the world. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)