6 children became orphans yesterday after the tragic passing of 48-year-old Rabbi Yisroel Rozovsky. Rozovsky had recently recovered from coronavirus, and was enjoying a typical Friday night at home with his wife and children. In the middle of the night, to his wife’s complete shock and horror, Rozovsky had a heart attack and died. Doctors say the clot was caused by undetected coronavirus complications. This is the latest in several cases of men experiencing heart issues and even clots after seemingly benign cases of COVID. Some health professionals urge men who are post-COVID to ask their doctor about blood tests to ascertain heart health.
Last night, a large crowd gathered to attend Rabbi Rozovsky’s funeral. Rozovsky was a beloved figure – He had started an organization which helped religious men to transition into the workplace, by setting them up with ‘kosher’ offices. This allowed many who had been hesitant to leave the yeshiva setting to provide for their families, without sacrificing their values. Leaders like Rozovsky have had a huge impact on frum society, as the next generation of newly married men finds the balance between Torah learning and paying their bills. Rozovsky also started an outdoor minyan and yeshiva downstairs from his apartment, allowing his own space to be used for COVID-safe prayers and learning. Devastating footage shows his young widow, surrounded by concerned loved ones, with a look on her face that can only be described as shock.
Donations are being urgently collected to help Mrs. Rozovsky care for her children after their tragic loss. Rabbi Rozovsky was the sole supporter of the household and without him his children will not only feel pangs of grief, but hunger as well.
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