By Rabbi Berach Steinfeld
In Bereishis 9:5 the Torah says that your blood will be avenged! The Poskim say that from this passuk we see that when it comes to pikuach nefesh a choleh is forbidden to be machmir on himself!
One could kler in the event there is a choleh that is in a sakana and there was chillul Shabbos to save the person does the choleh or Dr. need a kappara?
In Shailos UTshuvosRabbi Yitzchok Pozna 39, who lived in the time of the Magen Avraham, writes that according to the opinions that Shabbos is dechuya (pushed off) not hutra (totally allowed) then both the Dr. and patient would require a kappara. The Shailos UTshuvos Chavos Yair 236 says that a private person, who wants to take on himself a kappara to atone for chillul Shabbos for pikuach nefesh, would be permitted. The Yismach Yisroel writes that the patient for whom chillul shabbos was done needs a kappara.
The Sefer Ohr Zarua Vol 2 in Hilchos Erev Shabbos 38 writes that in the event there was a fire and there was a safek pikuach nefesh and Jews put out the fire they would not require no fasting or any giving of tzedakah. Since they were allowed to do what they did. Even if they want to give tzedakah we would not allow them to. Since it might discourage people from saving people in the future. The Birchei Yosef in Orach Chaim 334:5 also says that one would not require a kappara. So too in Sefer Torah Lishma 514 says that we ridicule a person who asks if he is required a kappara for saving someone as we don’t want to in any way discourage anyone from pikuach nefesh.
In Shailos UTshuvos Shvus Yaakov Vol 1:13 where he was asked if someone attempted without success to save someone on Shabbos if he requires to have a kappara? His response was that the person does not require a kappara and the question should not even be asked. The fact that he was not successful does not matter if the person did it Leshem Shomayim. If we would require a kappara then we would not have anyone taking a chance to save a Yid!
Psak Halacha the Mishna Berura 334:78 says that if one was mechallel Shabbbos to save a Yid does not need a kappara. He says that those women who light a candle on behalf a woman who gave birth on Shabbos as a kappara are doing the wrong thing!
The only question is we see the Gemara in Shabbos 156a says that if one was born on Shabbos will die on Shabbos as there was chillul Shabbos. This is even though one has to be mechallel Shabbos for a Yoledes? I have no answer for this.
In this zechus of hatzalas nefashos may we be zocheh for all of us to be redeemed. Amen.
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