Rabbanim of the Eidah Charedis held an emergency meeting on Sunday night, to discuss the Meron tragedy that took place early on Friday morning of Lag Ba’Omer. Hagon HaRav Moshe Sternbruch led the discussion that included all of the Dayanei Badatz of the Eidah. During the discussion, Rav Sternbruch broke out in pitiful cries over the horrible tragedy that claimed the lives of 45 people. Rav Sternbruch blamed Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu for the incident. “During the Meron tragedy 45 people were killed. During the recent (Corona) plague more than 45 people died. Hashem is knocking on our door trying to bring us closer to him.” Rabbi Sternbruch said about Netanyahu, “They (the Charedi MKs) are not speaking to us, they only speak to Netanyahu. They say that he is the big boss and that we owe him our thanks. He is a rasha and is evil. He desecrated Shabbos, eat neveilos, uproots Israel, he is the one who is doing all of this evil to us.” Rabbi Sternbruch concluded by saying: “We have a lot of power of half-a-million Jews who follow us. Only 7 percent of them go with leadership. Each and every one of us needs to strengthen ourselves with the commandments between man and his fellow man. We may not speak ill of anyone, even about those people we don’t agree with.” The Beis Din published a statement that the Rabbonim unanimously agreed to hold a memorial ceremony on Thursday at 5:00 p.m. which will be a public display of mourning. It will be held near Kikar Shabbos. According to the announcement, everyone who considers themselves to be a part of the Eidah Charedis is obligated to participate in the gathering. This includes both the men, the women, and the children. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
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