A fatal accident took place on Sunday evening in the Talpiyot neighborhood of Jerusalem when a 40-year-old man riding an electric bicycle was R”L killed after he was involved in an accident with a car on Yanovsky Street near the intersection with Beitar street. Volunteers from United Hatzalah and ambulance teams from Magen David Adom rushed to the scene and treated the man who was initially in critical condition. Following a lengthy resuscitation attempt, paramedics in the field were forced to pronounce his death. Volunteers from Zaka arrived to deal with the Kavod Hames. Police arrived at the scene and detained the driver of the car as well as opened an investigation. United Hatzalah paramedic Yaakov Baas who was one of the first responders at the scene said: “We performed CPR on the man with the help of a doctor who rushed out of the local Terem clinic located nearby. The bicyclist had suffered a full-system trauma and was unconscious when we arrived. After a lengthy resuscitation effort, we were, unfortunately, forced to pronounce his death at the scene.” This was the second electric bicycle rider killed on Sunday. The first was killed late Sunday afternoon in an accident that took place on Highway 461 near the Mesubim interchange. The man was 50-years-old and was likewise killed in an accident with a private car. *****SIGN UP NOW —- GET YOUR NEWS IN RECORD TIME***** Make sure you are one of the more than 22,000 that signed up to YWN WhatsApp Status to receive news in live time. Click this link – or send a message to 1-888-4-YW-NEWS (888-499-6397) – to see our status posts***** (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)