Chomer BaKodesh – the holy Service of the Beit HaMikdash – is a concise guide detailing the daily workings in the Beit HaMikdash presented in seven chapters each descriptive of a different aspect of that holy Service, all written in language that is clear, carefully organized and concise.  The author is Rabbi Yisrael Lifshitz who published Chomer BaKodesh two hundred years ago as the introduction to his Tiferet Yisrael commentary on Mishnayot Kadshim  

Chomer BaKodesh opens with a poetic song of gratitude and prayer to the Master of the World.  Turning the pages of this Kuntres, in the first chapter you will learn about the disqualifications and qualifications of a Kohen to perform the Service of the Beit HaMikdash.   

The second chapter describes the various categories of livestock and birds that can be brought as Korbanot, the sacrificial offerings of Chatat and Olah, Todah and Shelamim, communal offerings and private offerings, the baked products that accompany each Korban, and the the Ketoret spices offered-up daily on the Golden Mizbeyach.  

The third chapter describes the reasons for bringing Korbanot, for whose sake are Korbanot brought, and what the officiating Kohen must have in mind when sacrificing a Korban for it to be effective.  

The fourth chapter describes the circumstance that require a Korban; an Olah, a Chatat or a Shelamim, the rules for bringing the twice-daily Korban Tamid and which Nesachim are brought with their respective Korbanot. The Korbanot brought on Shabbat and on the Mo’adim are described in this chapter as well as the Avodah of Yom Kippur.  

The fifth chapter describes where the different Services take place on the floor of the Mikdash, where the slaughtering is done, and how Kapparah-atonement is affected by the application of the Korban’s slaughtered blood on the walls of the Mizbeyach both for livestock and for bird Korbanot.   

The sixth chapter describes the protocol for the sacrificing of each Korban, the twice-daily offering of the Ketoret on the Golden Mizbeyach, the songs sung by the Levi’im accompanying the Korbanot offerings, and a description of the daily Priestly Blessing. 

The seventh chapter opens the door to why this Service was instituted. 

Now, please step into the Beit HaMikdash and experience the Avodah for yourself first-hand. 
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