There was great anger among numerous Israelis on Sunday following the Histadrut’s announcement calling a general strike on Monday to “protest”  against the government rather than against Hamas for the heinous executions of six hostages. Fortunately, unlike the last time the Histadrut abused its power and shut down the country in a politically motivated strike, almost all cities and companies refused to join the strike, and several legal appeals were filed against it, forcing Histadrut chairman Arnon Bar-David to capitulate and tell the Labor Court in Bat Yam that he will end the strike on Monday at 6 p.m. rather than Tuesday morning. However, the Court ruled early Monday afternoon that the strike must end by 2:30 p.m. at the latest, saying its ruling that the strike is politically motivated. Even before the ruling, the strike was unsuccessful at “shutting down the country,” and instead was me with an overwhelming refusal from dozens of municipalities and companies, with only the cities of Tel Aviv, Kfar Saba, and Givatayim joining in the strike. Flights at Ben-Gurion took off as usual on Monday after only slight delays and most flights are expected to take off on time the rest of the day. Some malls, banks, and several high-tech companies joined the strike but the overwhelming majority did not. Many Israelis, especially bereaved relatives of fallen soldiers and those whose loved ones fought or are fighting in Gaza, expressed fury at Bar David, slamming him for behaving like a bully by calling an irresponsible strike that only aids Hamas in its relentless mission to divide Israeli society. The Tikva Forum, which represents the family members of some hostages, stated on Sunday: “The announcement by Arnon Bar David and his friends of a general strike in the economy is a death sentence for the surviving hostages and a reward for Sinwar for the murder of six hostages. We call on the citizens of Israel to ignore the Histadrut’s irresponsible and dangerous strike and prove to the whole world that ‘Am Yisrael Chai.’ We won’t break despite the overwhelming pain and we’ll continue to fight the murderers until all the hostages are returned and Hamas is destroyed.” Finance Minister Betzalel Smotrich filed an injunction request to Israel’s Labor Court on Sunday to declare the protest illegal. Additionally, a number of relatives of fallen soldiers filed an appeal to the Labor Court as well as the Supreme Court against the strike. Smotrich also announced that any workers who participate in the strike will not receive their salaries. In a statement to the press, Smotrich slammed Bar-David as “fulfilling Sinwar’s dream and representing the interests of Hamas rather than those of Israeli workers.” Bereaved parents were especially furious about the strike. Bereaved father Itzik Bontzal, the father of fallen soldier, First Sgt. Amit Bonzel, H’yd, who fell in battle in Gaza in December, spoke to reporters outside the Labor Court, excoriating Bar-David for his cooperation with Hamas. “Hisdatrus chairman, you’re a savage animal (פרא אדם) and we’re going to stop you,” he said. Bereaved father Chagay Lober, father of fallen soldier Elisha Yonatan Lober, H”yd, also slammed Bar-David for his tyrannical actions; “My son was not killed on your mission and didn’t go to battle on your order. What right do you have to interfere in war […]