Lakewood families urgently need your help. With Sukkos right around the corner, over 1,700 local families are relying on Tomchei Shabbos to deliver boxes packed with items that will allow them to celebrate Sukkos with dignity and respect.
Right now, dozens of Tomchei Shabbos volunteers stand prepared to deliver thousands of boxes to families in need, eager to provide them with the financial reprieve they are in desperate need of.
The costs are staggering, and we are still short $600,000 of our $2 million Tishrei budget! For Tomchei Shabbos’ operation to continue unabated, we need your assistance now!
Please get involved, do your part, and help us raise these urgently needed funds. For the next 36 hours, from October 2nd at 10 AM until October 3rd at 10 PM, every dollar given will be matched! Now, for just $750 you can have the incredible zechus of sponsoring an entire family’s Yom Tov!
Can’t do that much? Give what you can. Every penny counts and every dollar helps us guarantee that each and every Lakewood family has what they need to have a respectable Sukkos.
Imagine coming into Yom Kippur laden with the zechusim of giving 1,700+ families simchas yom tov!
Do it for your community. Do it for the families who rely on us. Do it for yourself. CLICK HERE TO Donate NOW! Or call 732 943 1900
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