The Shas Yiden Phenomenon It was time for the annual Farher & Siyumim of what has become the International Shas Yiden Network of Kollelim. The avreichim geonim who really know gantz Shas (the entire Shas) from one end to the other – including all the Gemora, Rashi, Tosfos, plus rishonim and acharonim. And among them are those who know Shas Yerushalmi and many who know shu”tim (responsa) of rishonim and acharonim. There has also been an incredible growth among the number of avreichim geonim, so that as of this date, Shas Yiden, is a true etz chaim (Tree of Life) and comprises 7 branches – five in Eretz Yisroel, one in London, UK and one in Flatbush, Brooklyn, NY. Shas Yiden is the product of the vision of the Pozna Rov, Hagaon Harav Avrohom Eisen, shlit”a, who has built an amazing and unique program for hand-picked avreichim geonim. Based on a unique study method, the program has proven itself beyond all expectations and is lauded by the Gedolim across Eretz Yisroel and the Diaspora. In its framework, each one of these avreichim geonim has been able to become a Shas Yid, from beginning to end, with an incredible detailed and in-depth knowledge of Shas. It demands an unceasing regimen of 9 blatt plus 4 revisions daily, regular detailed exams – weekly, monthly, quarterly and annually. The final is on the entire Shas! As a result, the avreichim geonim study every volume and page with a ‘fine toothcomb’ – thus, Shas five times a year! Remarkable Double Farher – Haflei va’felleh In the 16 years since the establishment of Shas Yiden, under the guidance of Sar Hatorah, Maran Hagaon Hagadol ‘Reb Chaim’ Kanievsky, zt”l, the Nasi of Shas Yiden, at the completion of the annual cycle of learning Shas, it has become a tradition to have a detailed Shas farher followed by a siyum. (Rather Siyumim, as each of the avreichim geonim will have completed Shas multiple times that year!) For years, Reb Chaim would conduct the farher himself, enjoying the immediate and accurate responses of the avreichim geonim and the ‘give-and-take’ with them.  Today the number of Shas Yiden has reached 126, Boruch Hashem. As in the past, the attendees included the Gedolei Eretz Yisroel, led by the Gaon Yisroel, Maran Harav Dov Lando, shlit”a, Rosh Yehiva Slabodka, Bnei Brak. He presented the avreichim geonim with a searching string of questions from all over Shas – Moed, Nashim and Nezikin, and then Zeraim, Kodashim and Taharos. Among the questions that he presented were: Where do we find that if a father is pasul, he can present his son for marriage and who is kosher, and vice versa? If a man leaves an estate with a lesser amount of money, how can the heir receive a greater amount? How is it possible for a man to betroth a wife whereby she will be forbidden to him as an eishes ish (a married woman)? (To see the Kiddush Hashem farher videos click on When he was confronted with a flood of answers, quoting different sources from across Shas, Rav Lando’s face creased into a beaming smile. He did not hide his great excitement at the incredible knowledge of the avreichim geonim, and kept repeating “Haflei va’felleh”, “Tov Me’od”, “Ashreichem, Atem Yod’im Heitev” (Exceptional and amazing, Very Good, You are to be praised, You Know it well!) In the Words of Rav Lando After he spent time debating and discussing with the avreichim geonim, Rav Lando gave words of praise: “The Shas Yiden Network led by the Pozna Rov is outstanding in the study of Torah that protects and saves the Jewish people… the […]