The incredible organization C.A.R.E. (Community. Advocacy. Resources. Encouragement.) hosted a tremendous Chanukah toy giveaway for over 400 families with special needs children. The event was hosted by Toys 2 Discover on Coney Island Avenue and Avenue K. The beauty of the event was that toys were not only given to children with special needs but were also given to siblings of special needs children on their behalf. This created thankfulness to the special needs sibling for ensuring all their siblings received a special high-quality Chanukah present. C.A.R.E. was founded by Meyer and Victoria Safdieh who led the toy giveaway event with dozens of volunteers. Also attending to support this meaningful community event were NYPD Clergy Liaison David Heskiel & C.A.R.E Board member, NYPD Clergy Liaison Yehuda Eckstein, Commanding Officer of Community Affairs, NYPD Inspector Richie Taylor, and Police Officer Tommy Gallina. A special acknowledgement to the following dedicated elected officials who support CARE is deserved as well: Senator Simcha Felder, Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein and Councilman Kalman Yeger. Their leadership and support is invaluable. Thanks to a few anonymous donors, the children walked into the fully stocked toy store and were given vouchers which were used to purchase whatever toys they chose. May the Festival of Lights brighten up these dark times and may everyone involved in this loving Chesed be blessed to continue doing great things for the community. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
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