An unbelievably disturbing phenomenon is currently taking place in Berlin, Germany, with Jewish homes, buildings, and institutions “marked” with Magen Dovid symbols, media outlets are reporting. Jewish residents of Berlin, the city where the Final Solution was planned by the Nazis, report that they are living in utter fear of the six million Muslims living in Germany – to the point where some are even afraid to leave their homes or send their children to school or kindergarten. Those who are leaving their homes are afraid to wear Jewish symbols or use Uber out of fear of having an Arab driver. A Jewish woman who found a Magen Dovid sprayed on her house first looked at neighboring houses to see if they were similarly defaced. When she realized that only her home was targeted, she called the police. Evidence of dozens of similar cases can be found on German social media, with many users commening that the phenomenon is reminiscent of the Third Reich era. Felix Klein, Germany’s anti-Semitism commissioner, told The Guardian that Germany is at risk of reverting to its “most horrific times.” “People are shocked to hear news of houses where Jews live being marked with a Star of David,” he said. “Because that, of course, rings a bell and brings us back to the most horrific times we had in this country.” Israel’s Channel 12 correspondent in Germany, Antonia, Yamin reported that she’s stopped using Uber because most of the drivers are Arabs and she’s afraid to answer the simple question of “Where are you from?” Anna Staroselski, 27, head of the German Union of Jewish Students, told WSJ that she changed her name on Uber and other apps so she wouldn’t be identified as a Jew. “I have never been so afraid in my life,” she said. The report also quoted Mirna Funk, a 42-year-old resident of Berlin: “I haven’t left my home in days, and my daughter isn’t going to school.“ “We have a huge Muslim community, and they have never, ever marched against Islamism,” she said. “Where are the mass rallies against the radical Islamist Hamas, where is the outcry?” Last week, the Kahal Adass shul in central Berlin was firebombed. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)