On behalf of the Kaplan family a fund has been set up to help provide financial stability for them.
At this moment Reb Nissan is being pulled in two primary directions.
He needs to be there for his family who have just lost their mother.
At the same time, the talmidim at Daas Aaron cannot continue without their rebbe.
The reality of the situation is that Reb Nissan Kaplan and his mishpacha need your help now.
If you’ve been helping the yeshiva or Rebbe personally due to your hakoras hatov – it’s a brand new situation.
This is our opportunity to help raise Rebbe’s children, who have become yesomim and will need a lot of chizuk to get through the next few years.
It’s a double z’chus – the z’chus of helping to raise Reb Nissan’s children to the chupa combined with the z’chus of hachzokas haTorah!
This is the time to get involved and do your part.
Help him spread the love and warmth that we all came to experience.
To donate online, please click HERE.
To make a donation by phone please call 732.527.3900
To watch the Levaya click HERE.
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