Ex-Defense Minister Yoav Gallant announced on Wednesday evening that he is resigning from the Knesset but will maintain his position in the Likud party. “I will soon notify the Knesset Speaker of my decision to end my position in the 25th Knesset, after 45 years of service,” he said at a press conference. He stressed that his resignation is just “one stop of a long journey that has not yet ended. Just like the battlefield, in public service, there are moments when you have to stop to evaluate the situation and choose the course of action.” In his remarks, Gallant criticized Prime Minister Netanyahu and his successor as Defense Minister, Yisrael Katz, regarding the Chareidi recruitment bill, making the false claim that he was fired from his position due to his stance on the bill. Netanyahu dismissed Gallant from his position as defense minister a month and a half ago, replacing him with Katz. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
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