As YWN reported last week, the Gerrer chassidus, the largest chassidus in Israel, will no longer be using bleachers during weddings and tischim in the wake of the Karlin tragedy. This week, one of the Gerrer Rebbe’s grandchildren is getting married and arrangements had to be made to host the large crowd expected at the wedding without the use of bleachers. It was decided that the guests will attend the wedding in shifts, with the yeshivah bochurim participating in the first part of the wedding, outside the main Gerrer Beis Medrash on Rechov Yirmiyahu in Jerusalem. The older guests will attend the second half of the wedding in the older section of the Gerrer Beis Medrash. A new large Beis Medrash is almost completed but it will not be used since it has not been officially approved for use yet. The Belzer chassidus is also holding a grand wedding this week for the Rebbe’s grandson, which was to take place at the large Belz shul, with its built-in bleachers which have passed all safety approvals. However, it was decided to move the wedding to a larger venue for the thousands of chassidim that are expected to attend to provide an extra measure of safety. The wedding will be held at the Arena sports stadium in southern Jerusalem. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
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