The IDF on Monday announced the death of an IDF soldier who fell in battle in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip. The soldier was identified as Sgt. Uri Yitzchak Hadad, H’yd, 21, from Be’er Sheva. He fought in the 931st Battalion of the Nachal Brigade. Another soldier from the Nachal Brigade was seriously injured in the same incident and eight soldiers were lightly injured. Hadad, z’tl, was a talmid of the Hesder Yeshivah in Itamar. It was reported earlier on Monday that nine soldiers from the Itamar yeshivah were wounded in Gaza today, one seriously, one moderately and seven lightly. The public is asked to daven for the refuah sheleimah of Shmuel ben Batsheva, Roi ben Ruit, Eitan ben Shelly, Adiel ben Michal, Dvir ben Yael, Yinon ben Chagit, Levi ben Naehama, Amir ben Michal, and Tomer ben Keren. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)