HaGaon HaRav Yitzchak Zilberstein, a member of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah and the Rosh Kollel of Beis Dovid in Holon, published a special letter of chizzuk after the murderous terror attack in Holon at the request of the city’s residents who wanted his Daas Torah on the tragedy. “To my dear and beloved brothers and friends,” HaRav Zilberstein wrote. “We are shocked and pained by the tragedy that befell our city of Holon, the murderous attack by a heinous terrorist today, Sunday morning, erev Rosh Chodesh.” “And each one of us should examine our deeds, why this happened in our city, why Hashem is showing His anger. Chalilah that we should point fingers at who we think is responsible for the tragedy. Instead, each person should think that it is because of him and his sins that this terrible tragedy happened. Like Yona HaNavi said: כי יודע אני כי בשלי הסער הגדול הזה עליכם” (יונה א-יב) – despite the fact that Yonah could have blamed all those who worshipped avodah zara who were on the boat with him, he blamed only himself!” “And seemingly, since it was right after Motzei Shabbos Kodesh, and right near a place where public Chillul Shabbos takes place, in our many sins – the Shabbos HaKedoshah is pained by the Chillul Shabbos and we must appease it and be mechazeik in shemiras Shabbos.” “And therefore every one of us should be mechazeik in Shemiras Shabbos, at home and on the street, and influence those around him in Shemiras Shabbos. And each person should learn at least two halachos of hilchos Shabbos every day.” “ובזכות החיזוק בשמירת השבת, נזכה לברכת השבת, וכדברי רבינו אברהם אבן עזרא “כי אשמרה שבת א-ל ישמרני”, ונזכה לגאולה בקרוב. אמן”.   (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)