Our brothers and sisters are in grave danger. This is real.  CLICK HERE TO DONATE TO MOSHAV TZOFAR Our loved ones in Israel are targets, and we need to do our part to protect them. The war is getting closer to each and every one of us, and we must act now. Their lives are in immediate danger, and they desperately need our assistance. They live each minute in fear, not knowing if every moment might be their last or if they will see their children or loved ones again when they go to work in the fields to provide food for Israel.  CLICK HERE TO DONATE TO MOSHAV TZOFAR CLICK HERE TO DONATE TO MOSHAV TZOFAR This is the harsh reality they are enduring right now. The threat of violence is ever-present, and the basic necessities of life are becoming increasingly scarce. The civilians in Moshav Tzofar are doing what they can to protect themselves, as the army has their hands full.  They have created an emergency response team and have volunteers ready at a moment’s notice to defend their Moshav. What they desperately need is the equipment to do so. This is where we, Am Yisrael, must help them in their time of need. CLICK HERE TO DONATE TO MOSHAV TZOFAR We cannot stand by and watch our family suffer. We must act now to provide the critical support they need to survive this perilous time. Your donation can make a profound difference. It can mean the difference between hope and despair, between life and death. CLICK HERE TO DONATE TO MOSHAV TZOFAR Your donation will go directly towards purchasing much-needed equipment for the emergency response team. They are pleading for helmets, ceramic vests, flashlights, thermal drones, reflex sights, and critical tactical gear that will give them the ability to defend our children. Our mission is to raise $200,000 to ensure they have a fighting chance to protect themselves. Please contribute—you will be directly saving lives and offering hope to all of Am Yisrael. Funds raised will go directly to the Moshav emergency team and will be used to purchase the necessary equipment as funds are raised. CLICK HERE TO DONATE TO MOSHAV TZOFAR Please join us in this urgent mission. Share this plea with your friends, family, and social networks. Together, we can make a difference. Together, we can save lives. From the bottom of their hearts, they thank you for your compassion and generosity.  CLICK HERE TO DONATE TO MOSHAV TZOFAR