Gilad: Thank you, Debra, for that wonderful introduction.   Debra, Nate, I’ve stood before world leaders and hardened diplomats, but I must admit – I’m a bit starstruck. Not because of your fame, but because of your raw courage. In a time when supporting Israel could cost you business, friends and followers, you chose to follow your conscience. I’m in awe of the two of you and I thank you both for all that you do!   Noa, Oshrit, and all the other inspiring women here this evening, I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart. You are the spirit of our nation – the spirit of Israel! Thank you – Todah Rabah!  Friends, this is my first time speaking to you in New York, not as a Member of Knesset, not as a Minister, and not as an Ambassador, but as the Global President of Magen David Adom. I want to take the opportunity tonight to explain why this new role perfectly complements everything else I have dedicated my last 21 years to.  On October 7th, Israel suffered the most brutal massacre since the Holocaust. But this attack laid bare more than just the brutality of our enemies. It unveiled their strategy – a two-pronged assault on our very existence. Our enemies know they cannot defeat us on the battlefield. They don’t have a chance! So, they’ve devised a sinister plan:  First, they target our home front, aiming to break our spirit through terror. They slaughter innocents, hoping to drive us from our homeland in fear. Second, they weaponize international organizations to isolate Israel and tie our hands. Two sides of the same coin – both aimed at our annihilation!  For 21 years, I fought for Israel on the political, diplomatic, and global stage. I’ve defended our legitimacy and countered lies. I combatted one aspect of our enemies’ strategy. But now, today, I’ve chosen to combat the other side of this vicious strategy. And I do so by leading Magen David Adom – Israel’s ONLY national emergency service.   Just as the IDF is charged with defending Israel’s borders, MADA is charged with safeguarding the lives within them! With every life we save, every wound we treat, we send a powerful message: We will not be driven out. We will not be broken! The bravery of our first responders is truly unparalleled.   Amit Mann is just one example, whose story not only broke our hearts, but also strengthened our resolve. Amit’s story, a story of commitment – even in the face of death, was one I wanted to share on the UN stage. When I spoke with Amit’s mother Rachel, to ask for her permission and support to share Amit’s story at the UN, she cried for several long minutes, and then said to me, “Whatever you need to do to show the dedication of Amit and her friends in MADA, you must do.” And this, friends, is the spirit of Magen David Adom – selflessness and unwavering bravery.  From the peaks of the Golan Heights to the Red Sea in Eilat, our volunteers strengthen every Israeli’s resolve. We thwart our enemies’ plans with every life we save. MADA is the backbone of Israel’s resilience, and we are an unstoppable force for good!  Friends, while I fought for […]