The number of seriously ill coronavirus patients in Israel soared to over 400 this week, overloading Israel’s hospitals and raising the risk of medical professionals’ worst fears of patients dying due to a lack of beds, equipment or staff, chas v’chalilah. The coronavirus wards in Laniado Hospital was operating at 117% capacity and the Galil Medical Center at 127% capacity as of Tuesday, joining five of Israel’s hospitals that are already operating above capacity in their coronavirus wards. And all remaining coronavirus wards in Israel’s hospitals are operating at 80%-95% capacity. Health officials are expressing fears that if schools open on September 1 as planned and large gatherings occur on Rosh Hashanah, there will be a corresponding spike in cases two weeks later that will completely overwhelm the hospitals. Some health officials are calling for a lockdown on Rosh Hashana due to the worrying data. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
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