Yosef, a Chareidi man who served in the IDF received a reserve order last week for a battalion of the Home Front Command. Yosef realized that it was a mixed battalion, unlike the Air Force unit he served in previously. When he appealed to the IDF for a transfer to a different unit,  he was refused and ordered to report for duty. Yosef responded that he would report for service but only in a framework that would respect his Chareidi lifestyle and allow him to serve with men only. The Torat Lechima organization that handled his case said: “This is a reserve soldier with high motivation. Yosef wants to continue serving Am Yisrael but expects the army authorities to respect his Chareidi lifestyle.” “This incident of summoning a Chareidi person to a mixed battalion while quarreling with him and finally releasing him from the IDF – instead of placing him in a position appropriate for him – proves what we’ve been claiming for years – there is no real desire to recruit Chareidim.” “Even in the current war, about 100,000 army graduates who are outside the reserve pool have not been recruited.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)