The IDF soldiers who were arrested on Monday for allegedly abusing a terrorist held at the Sde Teiman detention camp were held overnight and are being brought for a hearing on Tuesday afternoon, where military police will ask for an extension of their arrest. The soldiers’ arrest led to widespread anger and an unprecedented “revolt” – with protesters, including ministers and MKs, storming the Sdei Teiman facility and later the Beis Lid military police base, where the soldiers were interrogated and held. Finance Minister Betzalel Smotrich revealed shocking details about the behavior of the Military Prosecution in the case. “They proactively called Hamas terrorists in Gaza – terrorists who were held in Sde Teiman and were released to Gaza – and asked them if they had any testimony against IDF soldiers who guarded them there,” Smotrich revealed on Channel 14 News on Monday evening. “This is unacceptable,” Smotrich continued. “It’s one thing if there’s a complaint, then it should be investigated. But to send investigators to proactively call Hamas terrorists in Gaza and ask for evidence against IDF soldiers. I’m saying this based on reliable information from people in the military system who were shocked by the instructions they received to carry out against IDF soldiers.” Smotrich’s words were confirmed on Tuesday morning during a meeting of the Knesset’s Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee. The Chief Prosecutor at the Military Prosecutor’s Office admitted that that calls were made to terrorists in Gaza to find out about the treatment they received from IDF in Sde Teiman. Meanwhile, over nine months after the October 7 massacre, the Military Prosecution has not completed even one indictment against the Nukbah terrorists but they somehow have time to investigate IDF soldiers. Otzma Yehudit MK Limor Son Har-Melech, who participated in the Foreign Affairs and Defense meeting, told Arutz Sheva: “We are dealing with a Military Advocate General whose worldviews are sick and distorted. We don’t begin to understand the depth and breadth of the consequences of yesterday’s events in relation to our soldiers, in relation to the message that goes out to the world, and in relation to those who are holding our hostages.” It should be noted that Military Advocate General Yifat Tomer-Yerushalmi refused to attend the meeting. MK Almog Cohen responded: “I am astonished that phone calls were made to terrorists inside Gaza while our holy soldiers are fighting the most justified war in history. This is a moral bankruptcy of the army commanders, led by the Military Prosecution, who are seeking victims from our children who were sent to battle.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)