Avraham Bodman, z’l, of the Ramot neighborhood of Jerusalem, passed away on Wednesday at Shaarei Tzedek hospital at the young age of 36 due to complications of the coronavirus, sadly before he merited to marry and raise a family. The niftar’s friends from his shul claim that his death could have been avoided, placing the blame on the spreaders of “fake news” regarding the vaccine against COVID-19. “With great sorrow, we inform you of the death of our dear friend due to complications of the coronavirus, Avraham, z’l, who greeted everyone cheerfully despite his difficult life, and frequented the beis medrash,” an email to the mispallelim of the Mishkan Shraga shul stated. “Now, when his grave lies open before us, it should be noted that Avraham, who was at some risk, refrained from getting vaccinated due to the fear of it harming fertility.” “The person who told him this nonsense, and all those who spread these lies, are murderers!” “Everyone in our community who was affected by the loss, should use this painful incident in order to warn people of the responsibility to get vaccinated and prevent the death of young and old!” Avraham, z’l, was born and raised in Mea Shearim. Yehi Zichro Baruch. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
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