The leftist protesters who prevented Yom Kippur tefillos from taking place on erev Yom Kippur and Motzei Yom Kippur at Dizengoff Square in Tel Aviv, tearing down a makeshift mechitzah and engaging in clashes with the mispallelim, caused a religious “backlash” among Israelis who were horrified by the protesters’ display of hatred toward religion. Hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of Israelis, have warm feelings for Yiddishkeit even if they don’t live a fully religious lifestyle. In the days after Yom Kippur, many of these Israeli were mekabel mitzvos on themselves as a “protest” against the leftists. Yaniv Turgeman, 43, wrote on Twitter: “I’m a secular Israeli from Givatayim. Thanks to the expulsion of Jews from the tefillah on Erev Yom Kippur at Dizengoff Square, I decided to take it upon myself to buy tefillin and put them on every day.” “In the wake of the incident, it’s important to me that my two children, who live in a secular city, will see their father putting on tefillin with a tallis every morning and will learn what Yahadus is.” Another secular Israeli, Guy Baruch, wrote: “It’s amazing what one Yom Kippur could do for a kibbutznik – I’m putting on a kippah starting today. Antiochus didn’t succeed, the Romans didn’t succeed, the Muslims didn’t succeed – you’ll also fail. Don’t touch my Yahudus – that’s a red line.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
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