The residents of the Kerem Avraham Geula neighborhood in Jerusalem are in shock after five residents of the neighborhood passed away, including a mother and son and two Gedolim, in the course of a day and a half, B‘Chadrei Chareidim reported. It began after midnight on Motzei Shabbos with the bitter news from Laniado Hospital in Kiryat Sanz, Netanya on the demise of Mrs. Chaya Bracha Krishevsky, a’h, from COVID-19 at the age of 84. The nifteres was the wife of Reb Pesach Krishevsky, יבלחט”א, the famed drummer who plays at weddings per the Yerushalmi minhag and also known for being severely injured in a severe terror stabbing attack on Rechov Malchei Yisrael five years ago. On Sunday morning, the residents of the neighborhood, along with the Torah world worldwide, were again plunged into mourning with the news of the petira of the Brisker Rosh Yeshivah, z’tl, HaGaon HaRav Meshulam Dovid Halevi Soloveitchik, who resided for over 50 years in his humble home on Rechov Amos. Although the Rosh Yeshivah, z’tl, had moved out of the neighborhood almost a year prior to an apartment near Brisk in Gush Shemonim, the residents of the neighborhood still maintained close ties with him. Later in the day, on Sunday afternoon, the residents of the neighborhood and all of Klal Yisrael were again struck by bitter news, the loss of the Kaminetzer Rosh Yeshivah, HaGaon HaRav Yitzchak Scheiner, z’tl, who had lived in the neighborhood for years on Rechov Tzefania. In the late hours of Sunday afternoon came more bitter tidings – the petira of Rav Avraham Meir Britzel-Lifschitz, a Karliner-Stoliner chassid and respected member of the neighborhood Har Tzvi shul, who also resided on Rechov Tzefania. Rav Avraham Meir, who passed away in his home from a heart attack, spent the latter years of his life tirelessly collecting tzedaka for various causes throughout Israel and also served as a Rebbe to young Cheder children. The next day came another shocking blow – the sudden death of Rav Chaim Shalom Krishevsky, z’l, who passed away at the age of 60 while sitting shiva for his mother, the above-mentioned Mrs. Chaya Bracha Krishevsky, a’h, only 24 hours after her death. Rav Chaim Shalom, z’l, a Rachmastrivka chassid, resided on Rechov Malachi and was a member of the Har Tzvi shul. The niftar collapsed in his home on Monday morning and was evacuated to Hadassah Har HaTzofim Hospital, where the doctors fought to save his life to no avail. Yehi Zichrum Baruch. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
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