Join the 10,000-Person ‘Crowd-Learning’ Shmiras Haloshon Campaign Each of Us Protecting All of Us When the Chofetz Chaim saw danger for Klal Yisrael looming on the horizon, he urged Jews everywhere to grasp the protection of Shmiras Haloshon. Today, unfortunately anti-Semitism is very much on the rise throughout the world; not just in with Iran but in our own backyards as well, the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation is launching a massive defensive campaign to commit 10,000 new participants to learn Shmiras Haloshon Yomi. Main from Boruch Reiss on Vimeo. Patterned on the model of crowd-funding; Donors and Matchers. “Donate” 1-3 minutes a day to strengthen your resolve to Shmiras Halashon Encourage others to sign up as well Be matched by the ultimate matcher- Hashem himself- who acts with us middah k’neged middah – measure for measure Divine justice – He will “match” our increased compassion and forgiveness for each other with His own limitless kindness and compassion toward us. The campaign goal is to have 10,000 people signed up on the yahrtzeit of the Manchester Rosh Yeshiva, Rav Yehudah Zev Segal, zt’l. The surge of merit this campaign will create with such a powerful wave of Shmiras Haloshon can IY’H tip the balance of the Heavenly scales in Klal Yisrael’s favor. This is a spiritual Iron Dome that we can construct for ourselves, our families and Jews everywhere. It doesn’t depend on any country or any leader coming to our rescue. Instead, it depends on all of us joining forces to strengthen Hashem’s protection at a time when we can clearly see danger encroaching. The sign-ups are already beginning to mount, but reaching the goal is vital. With it, Klal Yisrael will have the “critical mass” needed to make a true turn-around in people’s interactions with their fellow Jew. At this moment, when we can see our future hanging in the balance. Be one of 10,000: one vital piece of our Iron Dome. Sign up today at for a 1- to 5- minute a day lesson in Shmiras Haloshon. Is there someone who does not need the added protection?
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