By Avi Shiff
How could it top last year’s event?
That was the question on everyone’s mind. After all, the first Adirei HaTorah asifa one year ago was an extraordinary maamad that left all attendees deeply inspired. What would the second time be like?
As it turned out, the Adirei HaTorah asifa last night turned out to be just as extraordinary, if not more so, than last year.
25,000+, people came out strong, united, and with one goal: to proclaim the glory of our nation’s yungeleit, the Adirei HaTorah.
It was an incredible, truly exceptional event in every way.
For weeks, people had read about the highly anticipated Adirei HaTorah event, and finally – finally – the night was here. There was a tremendous demand for tickets to the sold-out event, with people frantically seeking entry.
The buses – hundreds of them – pulled up from across the tri-state, transporting thousands to the event at Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Many others came by car, joining the parade of vehicles patiently making their way to the arena this past Sunday night.
By about 7 p.m., most of the attendees had arrived, taking in the scene of a sports arena usually bedecked in various sorts of signs and slogans instead bearing statements and refrains expressing Klal Yisroel’s admiration for their yungeleit. “Together, We Will Celebrate the Yungerman and His Torah” and “We Are Here for Kavod HaTorah” were emblazoned across the various electronic screens in the arena.
Upon entering the building, attendees were treated to a buffet dinner before entering the arena itself. In the arena itself, immediately grabbing the attention of participants was the massive dais, with seating for approximately 500 roshei yeshiva and rabbonim.
By the time the program began at about 8 p.m., every seat in the arena, including every balcony and concourse, in addition to hundreds of additional seats on the floor, was occupied.
Fittingly, the seats on the floor of the arena couldn’t be purchased. They were reserved for yungeleit who have been learning at Beth Medrash Govoha for many years. Appropriately, the best seats in the house were given to those who were being feted this evening, the lomdei Torah who hold up our world.
The program began with Tehillim led by Rav Chaim Ginsburg, longtime rosh chaburah at Beth Medrash Govoha.
Immediately thereafter, the music began, and the crowd sang and danced for several minutes, an absolutely exhilarating beginning to what would be an unforgettable event. The building practically shook as keyboardist Meir Adler from Eretz Yisroel played the music, accompanied throughout the evening by singers Yanky Daskal, Zanvil Weinberger, Dovy Meisels, Bentzi Kletzkin, and the Malchus and Shira Choirs.
During his opening statements, emcee Rabbi Yosef Heinemann remarked that “we are telling the world at large, that each and every yungerman’s Torah and ameilus baTorah are what sustain and hold up the world.” He added in the name of the Chofetz Chaim, “It is your Torah that brings the brocha and shefa to Klal Yisroel.”
Rabbi Heinemann introduced the rosh yeshiva, Rav Aryeh Malkiel Kotler, and the crowd broke out into singing Yomim Al Yemei Melech Tosif in his honor.
During his remarks, Rav Kotler announced an increase in the checks of the kollel yungeleit, thanks to the generosity of the Adirei HaTorah supporters.
Following Rav Kotler’s remarks, a video was shown of various gedolei Torah, including Dayan Aharon Dovid Dunner, Rav Elimelech Biderman and Rav Rav Elya Brudny, expressing their support for the Bais Medrash Govoah yungeleit and the Adirei HaTorah initiative.
The arena grew silent as Rav Meir Tzvi Bergman, rosh yeshiva of Yeshivas Rashbi in Bnei Brak, was welcomed. Rav Bergman and Rav Dov Landau, rosh yeshiva of Yeshivas Slabodka of Bnei Brak, were the two special guests from Eretz Yisroel who flew in for the event. Unfortunately, due to immense weakness, Rav Landau was unable to address the asifa.
As Rav Bergman approached the dais, everyone quietly recited “Hamakom yenacheim eschem,” offering nechamah to the rosh yeshiva upon the passing of his son this past week.
Rav Bergman opened his remarks by noting the recent passing of Rav Gershon Edelstein zt”l, rosh yeshiva of Yeshivas Ponovezh, adding that he himself was in the middle of shivah following the petirah of his son, Rav Ezriel. It was an astounding display of kavod haTorah and personal strength for the rosh yeshiva to note Klal Yisroel‘s loss of the gadol hador before even mentioning his own personal tzarah.
Rav Bergman, toward the end of his message, remarked that there are so many singles in Klal Yisroel seeking zivugim. In a message that he repeated in English, he said in the name of his father-in-law, Rav Elazar Menachem Man Shach zt”l, that reciting Birkas Hamazon from inside a bentcher is a zechus for a yeshuah.
Following a video featuring a bracha from Chacham Ysoef Harari Raful, rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva Ateret Torah, Bentzi Kletzkin and Dovy Meisels sang several heartfelt niggunim.
At that point, a Siyum Hashas on Talmud Bavli and Talmud Yerushalmi, learned b’iyun by the yungeleit of Beth Medrash Govoha, was celebrated, with the Hadran being recited by Rav Yisroel Neuman, rosh yeshiva of Beth Medrash Govoha. As Rav Neuman approached the podium, the crowd broke out into song, singing Yomim in his honor. As Rav Neuman recited the Hadran, he grew emotional, crying with each timeless word, imparting such a profound message with each krechtz and each carefully enunciated word.
Brief remarks were then delivered by the rosh yeshiva, Rav Dovid Schustal, who recited the Kaddish for the siyum.
Following the spirited dancing in honor of the siyum, a video was shown of various rabbonimn speaking about the chashivus of the yungeleit.
The keynote drasha was then delivered by Rav Elya Chaim Swerdloff, rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva Gedolah of Paterson. At one point, Rav Swerdloff remarked in the name of the Chofetz Chaim that a machzik Torah, even if he is an am haaretz, in the future will ultimately be zocheh to know Torah as well. Such is the zechus and power of supporting lomdei Torah.
Divrei bracha were then delivered by Rav Yeruchem Olshin, followed by Kabbolas Ohl Malchus Shomayim and Maariv.
As the thousands made their way to the exits with music filling the arena, the mood was one of kavod and reverence for the yungeleit who devote their every day – and sacrifice so much – to make the study of Torah their occupation, not just uplifting themselves, but enriching their communities and the wider world with the unparalleled power of Torah.
It was an evening no one would soon forget, inspired, uplifted, and charged to keep the mission going.
