A massive event held last night, Motzoei Shabbos Parshas Vayigash, gathered 1,700 mechanchos from over local 70 schools in the Lakewood, NJ area for an insightful and uplifting evening focused on hilchos shemiras halashon as it relates to school matters.
The event, which took place at Fountain Ballroom in Lakewood, brought together principals, teachers, tutors, therapists, and secretaries for a dynamic and thought-provoking program.
Mrs. S. Schechter, menaheles of Bais Yaakov High School of Lakewood, kicked off the evening with opening remarks on the power of words and their impact on school dynamics.
The highlight of the evening was a shailos uteshuvos presentation featuring Rav Yaakov Forchheimer, senior posek at Bais Medrash Govoah, who answered questions such as if and how a teacher may answer inquires like, “What kind of student was she?” and “What type of class am I getting?” The Q-&-A session was moderated by Rabbi Yitzchok Hisiger, Director of Torah Initiatives at Agudath Israel of America.
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