Mickey Levy, chairman of the Knesset State Control Committee, has expressed concerns over the cost-effectiveness of Israel’s new presidential plane, dubbed the “Wing of Zion”. The plane, used for the first time last month to transport Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to the US, has a high annual maintenance cost, prompting Levy to reexamine its necessity. Levy’s comments come after a surprise discovery by the Prime Minister’s Office that the plane can only accommodate 60 passengers, far fewer than expected. The reconfigured Boeing 767 has been a topic of political debate in Israel for years, with supporters arguing it’s a necessary safety measure and detractors calling it a waste of taxpayer money and a symbol of corruption. Levy’s visit to the plane’s parking site left him unimpressed. “I did not get the impression that there was anything grandiose there. It is by no means ostentatious.” He emphasized the need to reassess the plane’s operation costs and justify its expense. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)