Unprecedented prices combined with new titles, stunningly beautiful editions and magnificent sets have led to an all-time high in demand among Torah aficionados and scholars. For those that haven’t had a chance to take advantage of the sale prices, Machon Yerushalayim has decided to extend the sale. One of the best sellers, OTZAR MEFORSHEI HATORAH , a treasury on all the meforshim of the chumash, has almost entirely disappeared from the shelves so hurry and make sure to get yours. The volumes of the “Mishna Brura, Ohr HaMizrach”, a compilation of the rulings of the Sephardic Gedolim alongside the rulings of the Mishna Brura, has been enthusiastically welcomed by the world of Halacha, and has subsequently been in great demand, especially now, during the ANNUAL SALES EVENT. Similarly, hundreds of copies of the Mifal Teshuvos HaRishonim titles, including the Rambam Responsa , HaR”Y MiGash, Ohr Zarua and Maharam MiRottenberg, taken from rare manuscripts and accurate versions, have been enthusiastically welcomed in yeshivos and batei midrash, in learning communities and among dayanim. The five volume Sho’el U’Meishiv , in its newest edition, and the amazing work BeShulei HaMinchah on the Minchas Chinuch, have also proven popular and have almost sold out at many locations, as have a number of classic seforim published by Machon Yerushalayim. Fortunately, the Machon was informed early enough of the high demand and was able to arrange for a new shipment of thousands of sets, volumes and editions that have already reached select book stores and chains, enabling the wider public to continue enjoying the light of Torah in all its glory –at amazing, affordable prices. The Annual Sales Event, has been extended for another week to offer a great one-time opportunity to make the most of the sale prices! Hurry! Take advantage and stock up on Bar Mitzvah gifts, chosson gifts, or fill up your own Torah library at these linited-time-only prices! Fore information, please contact Machon Yerushalayim at 347-735-5674
The post Last chance! Only one week left! ANNUAL SALES EVENT of Machon Yerushalayim continues only until Jan 10th! appeared first on The Yeshiva World.
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