Last week, the ‘Shinun Ve’Chazara’ program, dedicated to training Rabanim and Dayanim under the guidance of leading Gedolei Yisroel, marked the conclusion of seven years of significant success. This initiative has successfully examined dozens of Talmidim, granting them Semicha and Hoiruah certificates. The program’s monthly scholarship expenses amount to approximately $52,000.
The ‘Shinun Ve’Chazara’ program was established approximately seven years ago to address the challenge faced by Talmidim who, despite their hard work and dedication to Torah learning, struggled to retain and master what they had learned. The program was created to provide a structured method of reviewing and reinforcing Limud Hatorah.
The program, established seven years ago, is designed to double the Lemudim every six months, with a complete Chazarah cycle lasting four years. There are also slower tracks available, extending over five or seven years.
The program offers five different Chazarah tracks covering all areas of Torah, including parts of the Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh De’ah, Choshen Mishpat, Gemarah Rashi, Gemarah Rashi and Toisfes, and more. To keep pace with the curriculum, the program administers monthly tests, followed by comprehensive tests every six months on both new material and previously covered content.
After completing four years of tests and thorough Chazarahs, Talmidim are tested on all material by Gedoilei Yisroel and receive Semicha and Hoirueh certificates. To encourage and motivate participants, the ‘Shinun Ve’Chazara’ program awards scholarships for each successful exam, with a total of approximately 33,000 NIS awarded to each student by the end of the four-year cycle.
Since its inception with just 15 students, the program has grown significantly. Today, it includes around 600 dedicated Masmidim from various Kehilas in Yerushalayim and other cities in Eretz Yisrael. Many Talmidim from the first and second cohorts have already passed rigorous tests and received their Semicha and Hoirueh certificates at grand celebratory events.
Harav David Schlesinger Shlit”a, the program director, shared that they are continually working to include more Talmidim and expand the program. The monthly scholarship expenses now amount to about $52,000. Despite significant efforts, the program director faces financial challenges and appeals to the broader community for support.
Donations can be made via credit card, and contributors will have the merit of supporting this important Torah initiative and ensuring its continuation