The retiring Dr. Anthony Fauci is hoping you have memory loss, because he doesn’t want you remembering the fact that he pushed for nationwide shutdowns in the early days of the Covid-19 pandemic. In fact, he explicitly denies it ever happened. In an interview on Fox News, Fauci was faced with some difficult questions from host Neil Cavuto. “Do you regret the shutdown, the sweeping shutdown that some said made things worse?” Cavuto asked. “No, I don’t, Neil,” Fauci responded, going on to incredulously claim that he isn’t responsible for them. “And, in fact, I think we need to make sure that your listeners understand, I didn’t shut down anything. There was a lot of consideration among the White House task force that we were reaching a point where the hospitals such as in New York City and other places were being strained to the point of practically being overwhelmed.” Asked if he thinks lockdowns went “too far,” Fauci said, “I don’t think [lockdowns and school closures] irreparably damaged anyone. If you go back, people selectively pull things out of me.” Poor Dr. Fauci, being blamed for things he said and advocated for. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
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