YWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of longtime Hatzalah member, Dr Robert Van (Itamar Tzvi) Amerongen Z”L. He was around 62 years old. The Niftar, known to many as “Dr Van”, was one of the founders of West Side Hatzalah (WS-26). He then moved to Woodmere around 25 years ago, where he joined Hatzalah in that area (RL-78). He worked for many years at the Methodist Hospital Pediatric Emergency Room, and then ran an urgent care in the Five Towns. He was a well-liked person, and was a mentor to many young Hatzalah Paramedics and EMT’s, as they all looked up to him. He was a guest lecturer for many years for Hatzalah in many different neighborhoods, on the topics of pediatric emergencies. He also served as the Medical Director of Camp Simcha Special, and was lovingly known by campers and staff alike. Camp Simchas gave the following statement to YWN: “Dr. Van was a dedicated and compassionate physician who devoted his life to helping others. He was an integral part of Camp Simcha Special, and his contributions to the camp will always be remembered. Dr. Van helped lead the Camp Simcha Special medical program since its inception in 2001. His kindness, warmth, sense of humor, and gentle manner were an inspiration to all who knew him, and his loss will be deeply felt by the entire Simcha family.” Sadly, he was Niftar over Shabbos after suffering from an illness. The Levaya was held on Sunday morning, and was attended by hundreds of mourning friends, family and hundreds of Hatzalah members. Yehi Zichro Boruch… (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
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