The mother of Noa Argamani, Liora Argamani, z’l, who was rescued from captivity in Gaza last month died on Tuesday morning at the age of 61 in Ichilov Hospital in Tel Aviv. Liora’s death came after a three-year battle with brain cancer. After her daughter was abducted on October 7th, Liora tirelessly fought for her last wish – for her daughter to be released so she could reunite with her before her death. She wrote letters to US President Joe Biden and appeared on various media outlets. Sadly, by the time Noa was rescued, Liora was unable to communicate. However, family members and hospital staff believed that she understood that her daughter had returned home. Noa was able to stay at her mother’s side in the weeks before her death. One of the special forces officers who rescued Noa from Gaza later said that Noa’s first question was: “Is my mother still alive?” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)