As an introvert, both in-person and online, I rarely bother to make my opinion heard. I live my life and hope others will live theirs too, without sticking their nose into others’ business. However, there has to be line somewhere, and it was just crossed. I was sent a video yesterday that was so appalling to me that I must speak up. I don’t know how long this video has been circulating social media, nor do I care. It has to be called out regardless. The video, which I have included here, shows a group of bochurim apparently partaking in the levaya for a meis mitzvah. When I first opened it, I thought tragedy had struck: perhaps the well-meaning boys dropped the aron. But that’s not what happened. As the video progresses, the boys recite yoshev b’saiser elyon as they carry the aron, and they lay it down briefly to allow for a few words to be said about the niftar. A hesped of sorts is provided, with the speaker bursting into tears. Then, suddenly, the aron flies open and a man jumps out, visibly stunning the bochurim, many of whom jump backwards. At the same time, the individual filming the video shouts, “Color War Breakout!” The video is cute, right? It’s funny, isn’t it? No, it’s sick, it’s disgusting, and it makes an utter mockery of the most solemn moment in Jewish life. Levayos are not a joke, they are not something to be played with, and they are not something to be satirized or parodied for your two minutes of glee as you fool young, impressionable men so you can have a “bomb” color war breakout. As a klal, we’ve been hitting new lows in recent years. I think we just reached the cellar. NOTE: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of YWN. DO YOU HAVE AN OPINION YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE POSTED ON YWN? SEND IT TO US FOR REVIEW. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
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