Dear Matzav Inbox,
I’m writing as a follow-up to the shmuess by Rabbi Klein on about Torah Ugedulah and the rampant opulence and overindulgence plaguing our community. But more than that, I want to focus on the cancer that’s eating away at shidduchim, the vile obsession with money that has completely overtaken everything else.
It’s disgusting, really. I can’t even begin to tell you how many times I’ve encountered people – I won’t even call them parents, because that’s a title they don’t deserve – who, when it comes to their kids’ shidduchim, care about nothing – mamish nothing! – but the cash. NOTHING! If you look at their kids’ shidduchim, you’ll see it clearly. One money shidduch after another. It’s all about the money, nothing else. Nauseating. Forget about middos, forget about the Torahdike chinuch, forget about whether they’ll have a home built on the yesodos of Yiddishkeit.
It’s all about the checkbook.
How much longer will we allow this to go on? It’s destroying families, it’s ruining the shidduch system, it’s creating marriages where the only thing that matters is the money that’s promised (and often doesn’t even show up)! Parents are playing games with money, pressuring each other like it’s some sort of competition. And what do you get in the end? A couple, who may have started their marriage with “a good deal,” but now all they’re thinking about is money, and nothing else. There’s no room for Torah, no room for mentchlichkeit, no room for proper Torahdike values. It’s a disaster, and everyone’s too busy pretending it’s fine.
It’s a busha to see what’s happening to our communities. When did we become a bunch of money-hungry people, only interested in materialism, rather than the true values that should guide us? It’s enough already. We need to wake up and realize that this madness is ruining everything, and it’s destroying the foundation of what shidduchim should really be about.
Enough with the superficiality. Enough with the obsession with wealth. Let’s bring back the true priorities, the ones that really matter – the ones that focus on building botim neemanim, raising families that truly believe that olam hazeh domeh l’prozdor.
Sick to My Stomach
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