Dear Editor,
I have been following the discussions surrounding the upcoming election for Avi Schnall, in accordance with the rabbonim‘s endorsement, and of course I fully intend to cast my vote accordingly, following the rabbonim‘s directives.
However, as a concerned parent, I would like to make a statement to the educational institutions and to the askanim behind this campaign:
I am seeking a commitment from the mosdos and these askanim that, should tuition relief be granted by the state (although I am somewhat skeptical about that possibility), they will not immediately respond by raising tuition, thereby placing an additional burden on us parents.
I can already envision a scenario where they might say, “Yes, you have received tuition relief from the state, but the actual cost of educating our talmidim is more than standard tuition provides, so we need to institute a tuition hike.”
Can’t you see it happening?
I can. So I’m already calling it out now.
To the mosdos and schools, and to the askanim, listen carefully: Of course I don’t think you’ll ever do such a thing, because it would be lacking in yashrus and you are all wonderful, caring, dedicated people who only want to help the klal. But I want to emphasize that, just in case, if tuition relief is ever instituted and you choose to raise tuition in response, let the “shame on you” come today. You should face well-deserved public scrutiny and criticism. Parents have been squeezed enough. If the tuition relief ends up only helping the mosdos and not the parents, then face it: you fooled the community at large.
A Concerned Parent
L. F.